Causes for increased anion gap in metabolic acidosis:
M - Methanol
U - Uraemia
D - Diabetic Ketoacidosis
P - Paraldehyde* / Propylene glycol
I - Iron, Isoniazid
L - Lactic acid
E - EtOH, ethylene glycol
S - Salicylates
* Paraldehyde is no longer used medically, so the "P" in the MUDPILES mnemonic currently refers to Propylene glycol, a substance common in pharmaceutical injections such as diazepam or lorazepam. Accumulation of propylene glycol is converted into lactate and pyruvate which causes lactic acidosis. source
p.s. Perhaps I should spend a day to practice on interpretation of the investigation data from blood works to the radiological findings. Because it will surely be asked for the clinicopathological paper. Should make sure that I am able to memorize the important values as well as the interpretation. Because every mark counts.
M - Methanol
U - Uraemia
D - Diabetic Ketoacidosis
P - Paraldehyde* / Propylene glycol
I - Iron, Isoniazid
L - Lactic acid
E - EtOH, ethylene glycol
S - Salicylates
* Paraldehyde is no longer used medically, so the "P" in the MUDPILES mnemonic currently refers to Propylene glycol, a substance common in pharmaceutical injections such as diazepam or lorazepam. Accumulation of propylene glycol is converted into lactate and pyruvate which causes lactic acidosis. source
p.s. Perhaps I should spend a day to practice on interpretation of the investigation data from blood works to the radiological findings. Because it will surely be asked for the clinicopathological paper. Should make sure that I am able to memorize the important values as well as the interpretation. Because every mark counts.
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